GIRMA GAMADAA: An Example of Oromo Volunteerism
How do we remember Girma Gamada? Girma Gamada was born and raised in Oromia. When he was young, however, the political situation did not allow him to serve his countrymen. The passion and passion for…
How do we remember Girma Gamada? Girma Gamada was born and raised in Oromia. When he was young, however, the political situation did not allow him to serve his countrymen. The passion and passion for…
The Global Waaqeffannaa Assembly is deeply saddened by the passing of a volunteer, Girma Gamada, who passed away on July 4,2024 after a long illness. Girma spent most of his life helping the Oromo community…
Gumiin Waaqeffannaa Addunyaa ogeessa Oromoo hojii toleeyyummaan tajaajila maraalessa kennaa ture, Girmaa Gamadaa, du’aan ofbiraa dhabuutti hedduu gaddeera. Girmaan dhukkubsatee erga wal’aanamaa ture booda Adoolessa 4,2024 addunyaa kanarraa boqote. Girmaan yeroo bara jireenya isaa keessatti…
በሜልበርን የኦሮሞ ማኅበረሰብ አባላት በቅርቡ በግድያ ሕይወታቸው ያለፈውን አቶ በቴ ኡርጌሳና ሌሎች ፖለቲከኞች ላይ የደረሱ ግድያዎችን በመቃወም ዛሬ ግንቦት 1 በቪክቶሪያ ፓርላማ ፊት ለፊትና ፍሊንደርስ ጎዳና የተቃውሞ ሠልፍ አካሂደዋል።
ዛሬ እሑድ ማርች 3 / 2024 የኦሮሞ እናቶች/ሴቶች ለቤተሰብ፣ ማኅበረሰብና ሀገር ላበረከቷቸውና እያበረከቱ ላሉት አስተዋፅዖዎቻቸው፤ ክብርን ለማጎናፀፍ፣ ፍቅርን ለመስጠትና ሞገስን ለማላበስ የተዘጋጀ የምስጋና ቀን ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ በሜልበርን ተከበረ።
Kaleessa, Dilbata, Waxabajjii 23,2024 Ayyaana Irreecha Arfaasaa Australia, Melbourne, gaara Dandenong jedhamu irratti kabajachaa oolle. Guyyaan rooba waan hin qabneef hedduu gaarii ture. Ayyaana Irreechaa kana irratti hawaasti keenya argaman Ijoolleen guddattoonni Oromoo uffannaa aadaa…
Yesterday, Sunday, June 23,2024, we celebrated the Australian Irreecha Festival in Melbourne, Mount Dandenong. It was a nice day because there was no rain. It was a pleasure to see the children and adults who…
ትላንት፣ እሁድ፣ ሰኔ 23፣2024፣ በሜልበርን፣ ተራራ ዳንደኖንግ የአውስትራሊያን የፀደይ ኢሬቻ ፌስቲቫል አከበርን። ዝናብ ስላልነበረ ጥሩ ቀን ነበር። በፌስቲቫሉ ላይ የተሳተፉ ህጻናትና ጎልማሶች አንድ ላይ ሲሰባሰቡ እና ሲጣበቁ ማየት በጣም አስደሳች ነበር። የተሳካ ቀን ነበር። በዓሉ…